McBurney YMCA records, 1858-1992 (bulk 1880-1941)


McBurney YMCA records, 1858-1992 (bulk 1880-1941)

The records consist of board of managers minutes, contribution reports and other fundraising material, brochures, clippings, publications of the branch, program information and statistical and financial reports. The bulk of the statistical material consists of night auditor reports for the residence. Included are records and brochures related to the Eastern Association School, Chelsea School, Camp Marling, and Camp Glenwood. There are extensive correspondence files of branch secretaries, including Henry D. Dickson, Robert R. McBurney, and Robert B. Reeves. Also included are materials related to the branch's association with other organizations, including the Greater New York Federation of Churches, American Youth Congress, and the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice.

36.3 cubic feet (74 boxes).

Related Entities

There are 5 Entities related to this resource.

Dickson, Henry. D. (person)

McBurney, Robert Ross, 1837-1898 (person)

Robert McBurney was born in Ireland in 1837, immigrating to the United States in 1854. On arriving in New York City he got a room in the YMCA, where he soon developed an interest in the organization. He became employed as its executive officer in 1862. (The term general secretary was not yet used, but McBurney is regarded as the first staff person to whom the term applied.) McBurney presided over the extensive growth of the New York City association from this time through the 1890s. This growth ...

Reeves, Robert B. (person)

YMCA of Greater New York. McBurney Branch. (corporateBody)

The first permanent home of the McBurney Branch of the New York YMCA began as the headquarters of the New York association in 1869 and the first purpose-built YMCA building in the US. In 1904 the 23rd Street "Y" moved west to 7th Avenue. In 1943 the branch was renamed in honor of Robert Ross McBurney, an Irish immigrant who rose from librarian of the New York association in 1862 to chief executive in 1883, a post he held until his death in 1898. He is known as the first paid secretary of the YMC...